What is True Happiness?

thumbs up what is true happiness

As humans, we are all on a pursuit of happiness. 

But what is happiness, and how is mine different than yours? 

It is subjective, and simply defined as "feeling pleasure or contentment."  

It was not until my travels in Southeast Asia that I realized and understood that happiness can be found all around us. 

It is in nature, family, friends, love, music, art and spirituality/religion. 

Most importantly, it is found in non-materialistic items, and it doesn't cost a penny. 

We have become so blinded by dollar signs, status symbols and social clout that we have lost sight of what's truly important in life - connections.  

We are able to feel, experience, and truly live through this soul that's inside of us.

We are able to love, care for and connect with others through this heart we've been given. 

What more do we really need?

There were many moments when I would witness something not many Americans would ever subject themselves to, let alone be happy about. 

There are places where homes are built from scratch, with no running water or electricity.  There is no toilet, there is no bed and there are no devices. 

Instead, you are surrounded by loved ones and you make the most of everything you have, because it's everything you need. 

best photo of local children excited to see tourists

This is one of my all-time favorite images taken in Honiara, Solomon Islands. 

I was on a bus and as we were driving through the village, I noticed the children out front.  I could tell that they were excited to see tourists and I held my camera up to the window as we passed by.

The instant the kids came into frame, I snapped the picture. 

I feel it really captures the moment in which they were so thrilled to see us, and the struggles of their everyday life just melted away. 

Although money can buy luxuries, it certainly cannot buy happiness. 

Happiness is found from within, and this is what it means to be human